Tantrums and the Terrible Twos!

via Daily Prompt: Tantrum

If you have or had a two year old at any point, you completely understand what I am talking about.  A two year old is starting to learn to do things on his/her own and they don’t understand why they can’t do what they want to do.  Explaining why they can’t do something just doesn’t work.

I currently have a two year old and have two older kiddies who were two year olds.  The one thing they all did was through huge tantrums over little things, such as wanting a snack right before dinner, but you cannot explain that to them because they don’t understand that dinner will be ready soon.  They only know they want a snack and they want it NOW and you are not giving it to them, so the screaming, kicking, sometimes headbutting begins.

With me, I would also get tantrums when trying to leave the house and they saw a sandal from the summer in the closet that they want to wear out, but it is the middle of winter!!  So, when you say “no” and try to put on the winter boots more screaming and flailing begin, to the point where they have to be carried out to the car with no boots or coat on and put in their car seat (have you every put a toddler in a car seat when they didn’t want to, it is like trying to hold an unruly cat who doesn’t want a bath), they you have to go back into the house to grab the boots and coat to attempt to put on them on in the car.

Abby Crying2

For all the Canadians out there, TIMBITS!  When these delicious little balls of dough enter the house, the two year old automatically assumes they are his and takes the box, but as soon as you try to get a taste a tantrum ensues, with screaming “MINE”, pushing, kicking and trying to take the box somewhere else where he can eat it all to himself.  Trying to tell a two year old to share isn’t a easy task, but still making this little fireball is also necessary.

My now two year old HATES getting his diaper changed, so right there I know there is going to be a tantrum.

Let me know your stories of your most famous tantrums!!

Until Next Time.

Your Introverted Momma

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